Lincoln Land Chapter
Military Officers Association of America
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The Lincoln Land Chapter is an affiliate of the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA).
MOAA and its affiliated councils and chapters are non-partisan.
Illinois Council of Chapter Website
MOAA National Website
Lincoln Land Chapter Receives
4- Star Level of Excellence Award

MOAA is pleased to announce that Lincoln Land Chapter of MOAA has been awarded the annual Chapter 4-Star Levels of Excellence (LOE) Awards for performance in 2023.
What: LOE awards are MOAA's most prestigious affiliate awards, honoring councils and chapters for their efforts across the full scope of our association's mission.
How: Councils and chapters must self-nominate. Download the award submission criteria and instructional guide (PDF) for scoring details, submission information, and tips for success.
Out of just over 400 MOAA affiliates, 161 councils and chapters nominated themselves for LOE award recognition this year. Despite a difficult year of transition from the COVID-19 pandemic, these councils and chapters adapted and improvised when necessary to support and foster programs that directly support the MOAA mission and their communities.
All LOE nomination packages were independently evaluated by two members of the Council and Chapter Affairs Committee of the MOAA Board of Directors. Throughout the grading process, it was very clear that our councils and chapters didn’t just maintain satisfactory performance but rather, excelled in their mission and determination.
Our Chapter selfless volunteers work tirelessly within our affiliate network on behalf of this association.
Thanks to all for their hard work and perseverance.